Friday, May 11, 2012

Lazy Week

We've had a bit of a lazy week. Here's a little of what we've been up to:

Hanging out in the hot tub.

Some sort of dwarf cherry tree has been blooming in the yard. It's so pretty.
Also blooming: rhododendron, azalea, and lilac (smells HEAVENLY!).

Not entirely sure that these ethereal blue flowers aren't a weed, but I
am enjoying them so much, they're staying. 

A camelia that we can see from our bedroom window.

A lazy day after work. I'm reading my Kindle, Mike's napping, and Merrit
is snuggling with Skippy. (I believe Ollie was jamming out to his air guitar.)

Last weekend we went out for brunch at a lakeside cafe in Kirkland, then
walked around the marina.

A little family of ducks came to say hello.

Gorgeous wooden boat. So nostalgic. 

Me at the waterfront. 

Just across the lake, we can see the Seattle skyline.

This little car was actually a bike. Wow, looks like a death trap to me.

Ollie eating his quesadillla al fresco one day before school
this week.

I made chicken and dumplings for dinner one night this week to the excited
cheers and smiles of my boys.

And the after-dinner snooze. Yep. Carbs will do that to you!

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