Monday, August 20, 2012

Campfire Friends

Our buddies Aidan and Graham came over for the afternoon and to cook out an old-fashioned campfire dinner last night.

Graham and Ollie clowning around.

Aidan trying to catch fish with plastic buckets.

Mike using proven Boy Scout technique to start his fire.

Aidan and Merrit discuss how, exactly, to wrap a hot
dog in canned biscuit dough and cook it over an open fire.

There's a bit of art, a bit of science, and a bit of luck involved.

Merrit, who loves to cook, wasn't sure about this method.

Sort of looks disgusting, doesn't it?

But, when served alongside roasted corn...Not bad...
Not bad at all... :)

Father and son pig wraps.

And, for dessert, banana boats--of course. Chocolate chips and mini
marshmellows, stuffed inside a split-open banana, wrapped in foil, and
warmed through in coals. (Who comes up with this stuff, honestly?) We used to eat
them when I was a camper in Montreat Clubs every summer. :)

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