Sunday, January 8, 2012

We Are Here...

We flew in on Monday and have been staying in downtown Bellevue since then. Mike had Tuesday and Wednesday off, which we spent walking around, getting our driver's licenses, opening bank accounts, and so on. Mike worked Thursday and Friday...and Merrit and I started homeschool. We'll be doing school at home until we get our rental house and school district assignment.

We are staying in a high-rise in downtown Bellevue for now, thanks to Mike's employer. Downstairs there's a grocery store, a coffee shop, a bank, and so on. Mike's work is only four blocks away so, for now, we are fine even without a car. The boys are doing well. It's nice to have a two-bedroom apartment close to everything for up to 60 days, while we look for a rental house.

The boys are still on NC time...up and eating breakfast before the sun
comes up!

A few hours later, the boys play in our little 2-bedroom apartment.

View from our apartment on the 2nd floor.

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