Thursday, October 25, 2012

Lock, Stock, and 40 Smoking Candles

It's Mike's fortieth birthday and we (his family and I) have a super awesome birthday surprise planned for him. We went sorta low-key here at home since he'll be in...drum roll please...NORTH CAROLINA for his birthday on Sunday! Yep, it's true. Durenda, Rocky, and I went in on a plane ticket for him and surprised him with the trip details over Skype last week. His bags are packed, he's ready to go, but first... a little cake and ice cream with the kids...

The boys helping count out FORTY candles. 

Mike flies out first thing tomorrow for his birthday weekend with family. Bon voyage!


  1. I can't believe how much Ollie is looking like Mike these days. It's crazy!

  2. What fun! Everyone need help with that many candles. Can I hire the boys when my birthday comes around?


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