Wednesday, October 31, 2012

A Week's Worth of Halloween Celebrations

The week kicked off with the arrival of our kids' storm trooper Halloween costumes. If you know me well, you know that I was, inside, secretly disappointed that they didn't want homemade Halloween costumes because I truly love the creative challenge, hands-on work, and cute results of a homemade costume! But, no, this is what they had their hearts set on this year:

Our Trick or Troopers.

Friday night, the week before Halloween, the elementary
school hosted a Harvest Dance. The kids were invited to
wear their costumes. Here's Ollie with his friends, Sammy (left)
and Graham (middle).

The dance was great. I was kinda blown away. I shot a couple of videos actually and texted them to my friend Dawn. She and I went to more than a few middle school dances. And I was like, "I don't remember our dances being anywhere THIS cool." And she was like, "Nope. No way." Check it out:

Mike was in NC for the weekend, so it was just the kids and I here at the house. After the dance Friday night, we just huddled up for a cozy, rainy weekend at home. We did set about carving up some pumpkins on Sunday afternoon while a big pot of chili simmered on the stove. Happy...

Ollie pretty much scooped out his pumpkin and then
I took over for him. You know, sharp knives and all that...

Another reason I love Halloween: Carving jack-o-lanterns with my fellas.

Merrit was into it this year. He drew out his design first
and then set about carving it up. I trusted him with his
own steak knife this year. He did great!

The pumpkin Ollie and I made.

Merrit's pumpkin on the top step.
Very elaborate teeth and eyelashes!

On Tuesday, the preschoolers wore their costumes to school, had a parade
through the hallways, and ate cupcakes in class. 

Ollie with his friend and classmate Margaret.

On Wednesday, Halloween day, we were invited to Sucker Punch
to trick-or-treat through the office. In the lounge, there was a
cauldron of smoking punch, crackers and cheese, desserts,
cupcakes for the kids, and wine for the grown ups. Great party!

More sugar! Just what the kids need! :)

All the Sucker Punch kids pose in their costumes for a pic.

The boys in full attire.

Posing with ninja warrior friends, Brennan and Gabe.

1 comment:

  1. Man, you have some serious art talent in the family. The boys look so cool in their getups.


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