Friday, November 2, 2012

Preschool Field Trip to Remlinger Farms Pumpkin Patch

It's Friday, November 2nd. The day of the rain-or-shine preschool field trip to Remlinger Farms.'s raining. Drat. Double drat. 

No matter, we'll dress warmly and head out in it. As they say in England: "There is no bad weather, only inadequate clothing."

We're here! Ollie is super excited! 

Waiting to head into the farm, we take a quick spin through the country store.

Ollie, posing on a tractor with apple trees in the background.

The farm had a petting zoo and some other interesting
animals in cages. Not sure what this bird is. Anyone?

Ollie has a lifelong love of school buses. This was a photo op he was NOT going
to miss out on! :)

Ah, the petting zoo. I was a little put off by the signs that say, "May Bite."
I mean, I guess it's always a risk and maybe that's just legalese to cover their
butts, but still.... made me nervous. This little burro looks a little sketchy,
don't you think?

Ollie petting a (biter?) goat.

Ollie with the burro again. We saw chickens, sheep, turkeys, and pigs too.

Ollie climbing around on the (cold, wet) old-fashioned fire engine.

...And riding on the (cold, wet) mini steam engine.

...Look, a (cold, wet) scarecrow.

By noon, I was so ready to leave. We had ridden the school bus from the
preschool to the farm and THANKFULLY our friend Stacey, who'd driven
her van, offered to give us a ride home if we wanted to cut the (cold, wet)
preschool pumpkin patch field trip short. Yes! Yes, we do! 

But first, let's pick out a pumpkin. After all, it's why we came!

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