Saturday, November 10, 2012

Baby Shower of the Decade... Wouldn't Miss It for the World!

I used my frequent flier miles to score a free trip to NC to celebrate the baby shower of the decade with my girls. It was just a quick there-and-back trip because I didn't have much time to steal away, but it was so worth it...especially because my sweet preggers friend, Robyn, didn't know I was coming! The look on her face when I walked into Ann's house on Friday night was priceless!

Ann and Tina. Cheesin'. 

We haven't seen each other since August. This was GREAT.

The gang. I love these girls! Robyn, on the right, is our
little mommy!

Ra Ra and me.

Next morning. Having coffee on Ann's back porch with Reece the dog.

At the shower. This little girl, a guest's four-month-old,
was passed around and loved on.

This lovely cake was to die for. How sweet is this?

Kristi and her daughter Skylar came to the shower. :)

Guests coming in and getting settled. Ann and the grandmas-to-be
hosted a full lunch at an Italian restaurant. Those yankees really know
how to throw a shower, don't they? ;)

Sweet table decorations to go with the theme of "Guess
Who's Feathering Her Nest?"

The lunch menu.

Robyn's three best friends (seated), her mom (standing), her aunt (not pictured),
and her grandmother (not pictured) all came from New York to be here.

Blurry picture, but you can still feel the love! 

Miss Ann...looking so pretty! 

Our little Evie is getting so grown up.

Playing shower games. 

Eve helped open all her Aunt Robyn's gifts. :)

Robyn received so many great and sweet baby gifts to help her feather the nest!

Cake! Wow, this cake was so delicious. If you're in the Fuquay-Varina area,
you owe it to yourself to visit Stick Boy Bakery.

Do I miss these girls? You'll never know how much!
It was really great to see them! 


  1. So happy for Robyn! You gal pals are lucky you have each other. Looks like such a lovely event. Love the pics of all the ladies, and those closeups of table decorations, menu and cake. Do I see those Yankee girls drinking Sweet Tea? Way to go.

  2. Ran into FR at the store yesterday. Asked about all the girls. She told me about your blog. Thought I'd check it out to dee how you were. So you're a world traveler now! I LOVE SEATTLE! Sad I had to miss Robyn's shower! I wad out of town that weekend. Would have been great to see you too. Your boys are so big!-- Lisa krol


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