Thursday, November 22, 2012

Thanksgiving Interrupted

I was sick last week. Then the boys came down with my cold (Merrit on Sunday and then Ollie on Tuesday night). So far, knock on wood, Mike feels fine.

We had planned to eat Thanksgiving dinner with about three other families at Angie and Jeff's house today, but we couldn't in good conscience expose all those friends and their kiddos to our germs. Needless to say, I didn't have any groceries on hand and the kids have no appetite anyway, so...this year's Thanksgiving is a bust. 

We actually are thinking of maybe doing a little Turkey Dinner later this weekend. Maybe Saturday or Sunday. Nothing elaborate. I'll probably make turkey, my cornbread and shrimp stuffing, sauteed Brussels sprouts, and cranberry sauce. Just the basics. Our favorites.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone. Hope your holiday was healthier than ours! 

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