Monday, November 19, 2012

24/7 Storm Trooper

How can I put this delicately? 

Ollie wants to eat, sleep, and live in his Halloween costume. From the moment he wakes up til he goes to school, and from the time he gets home from school til he goes to bed, he wants to be "in character." I should take more pictures of know, eating spaghetti, checking the mail, running the Swiffer, playing Legos. Mostly, I have just caught him falling asleep in it. But here are a few pics I've snapped.

With Luke, R2-D2, and the X-Wing.

The firemans' boots are an integral part of the costume in Ollie's mind.

You know your kid is tired when he just falls asleep in the middle of the
hardwood floor. That can't be comfortable! 

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