Saturday, March 3, 2012

Go Heels. I guess.

I really, really should have let Dawn guest-post this one. So, like, there was this sorta important game between rivals UNC and Duke. Dawn, foaming at the mouth, was all like, "This is a revenge game, baby. Duke needs to know that we are the better team....height scorers..." I was only catching little snippets here and there, to be honest.

But when sports meets fashion, then I can get behind it. So, I put in cute pigtails and donned Merrit's UNC baseball cap and Dawn and I went to Rock Bottom to watch the game on the TV there since we don't have cable at home.

Ok, it was fun, I admit. Beating your arch rival in their house. It was a good solid game (couldn't tell you what the score was) but Dawn jabbered on and on about how we blew 'em away...and so forth. :)

"Go, my favorite sports team!" 

"You are such a poser."

Really, Dawn (who hates getting her picture taken) has been quite the good
sport herself this week. I'm nothing if not trigger happy with the camera! 

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