Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Woke Up to Snow

What a surprise to wake up to snow. In North Carolina, they would have totally cancelled school, but not here. The roads were pretty clear and even though the snow was still coming down, school was on. It was a trip to see Merrit checking the school district website, hoping hoping hoping that they'd post a "School Cancelled" notice. Ha ha.

Made me think of how Dawn and I would stay up late when we were in middle school and high school (we used the spend the nights on school nights if snow was in the forecast), watching the news for cancellation notices about our county.

But, no, school was on.  By the time Ollie went in for his half-day of preschool at 12:30, all the snow had melted. The afternoon was warm and sunny, and I even had my sunglasses on. The weather here is really strange.

The view from our bedroom sliding-glass doors.

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