Friday, March 23, 2012

Photo Recap: Daily Life

I'm a few weeks behind on the blog, but trying to play
catch-up a little here today. This was the last little snow
we got...I think it was right around March 10.

Skippy has been an indoor cat her whole life, but we've recently been
letting her out on the fully-enclosed, second story deck. Rain, snow, or
sun, she loves it out there!

With so much rain and snow, the boys have been watching more TV and
movies than usual. Mike recently introduced them to vintage G.I. Joe.

Tuckered out after an afternoon of action figure play.

Breakfast one day.

Ollie with tanagram puzzles. He goes into preschool at
12:35, but he and I do some "schoolish" stuff together
in the mornings. 

I'm finally going through the last of our boxes. Believe it or not, I even had
to make a trip to Goodwill!

Every Wednesday, Merrit has a half-day of school and Ollie's out of school
all day. Wednesday afternoons are perfect library days!

Merrit is going through a graphic novel/comic book phase. I hope he
returns to the plain ol' written word again one of these days...

Another day, another breakfast.
We love being able to see the lake from our dining table!

Ollie and I have been having fun with the train set.
Until we have our guest room set up, it's the perfect
spot for building big tracks!

Feeding the ducks at a local park on Lake Sammammish (about a 10-minute
drive away from our house).

You know I had to buy this shirt for Ollie in the Seattle
Aquarium gift shop. He loves all things Star Wars.

Mike splurged and bought the boys a set of Star Wars
ships to go with the action figures they already have.
A TIE Fighter and an X-Wing.

"Luke Sci-copter" (as Ollie says) and R2-D2 go in this ship.

A week later. Still infatuated.

We have been getting tons of rain lately. It rained straight for, I think, 12
days. It was really getting to be crazy. Skippy likes to go out and lick up
the puddles on the deck, though.

My new favorite hot beverage. Perfect on cold, rainy days.

I wear a size eight. This is a huge earthworm!!!
(Like my new boots? Now I want a navy blue rain trench to go with .)

A hairstyle I'm trying out. Big loose curls.
Bangs growing out. Length growing out.

We were killing some time last weekend. Spent $20 on lottery tickets,
won $16 back. Then spent $16 and won $4 back. Ah, that's the way it goes...

Mike and I cheezing it up at a neat little place we found in Seattle
called the Little Water Cantina, right on Lake Union. Patio seating
looked awesome...but too cold. We'll have to go back in summer.

Being little hams.

My best friend and I.

The guacamole was really good.

"Oh yeaaaaaah!"

Later that same weekend...
We met up with my brother, Rich, for authentic Ethiopian
food. Everything is served on sourdough flat bread (called
injera), which is sort of like a spongy, tangy crepe. You
use little pieces of the injera to scoop up the food from
the shared plate in the center of the table.

To be honest, I'm not even sure what we ordered; Rich ordered. But there
was homemade cheese (delicious), a lamb dish, a beef dish, a chicken dish,
sauteed greens, a lentil dish, a marinated salad, and a potato dish.

Rich just got back from a five-week trip to Australia, which he told us all about.
What an adventure!

Sunset, a clear night, and the Space Needle as we drive
through town.

Getting ready for my next killer workout. I've been working out like an animal
since late February. Doing Shaun T's "Insanity" workout. I'm smiling now,
but I won't be in about 45 minutes...

Those workouts ARE insane. I had to take this pic and send it to my friend Dawn
 as a joke, but it's worth including here. This is me half-way through one workout.
Dying. On the floor. In a pool of my own sweat! :)

Part two of the plan: Lots of veggies and lean meats.
Also doing some protein shakes and lots of water!

We have this great tree out in front of the house. Merrit has
learned to climb it and likes to sit up in the crook.
Mike and Ollie ... Mike took this pic. So cute.

The best part of the day!

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