Saturday, June 9, 2012

Getting Outdoors

View of the lake from our beach. The lily pads are really
coming in now.

Just bought this new-to-us canoe on Craigslist a couple
of weeks ago. It's been raining a lot, so last weekend was
the first time we were able to take it out.

The boys are super excited.

And properly attired.

We had a fun time paddling through the lilypads.

Wading in the water. Still too chilly to really swim...though Mike did
flip me in the canoe (accidentally on purpose?). Freezing cold! The
kids, watching from the shore, got a big kick out of it. :)

I'll forgive him if he'll make dinner.

Ollie runs down to the water while we grill up some

No real outdoor dining area yet, but balancing plates
on our knees works just fine.

On Memorial Day weekend, we camped out Sunday night.

Mike and I have had this tent since before we had kids,
so it only sleeps two. Guess who's outside on the ground?
(Full disclosure: Mike bailed on us and went inside sometime
around midnight.)

Merrit is learning to how to build and stoke a fire from Dad.

Perfect. Merrit and his friend Aidan made this fire ring
themselves by collecting stones from around the yard.

Life is all about  balance.

The yard is literally FULL of rabbits. They are so freakin' adorable.

Hanging out in the hot tub after school one day this week.

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