Monday, July 9, 2012

Kirkland's Marina Park

Yesterday, Dawn and I had paddleboard lessons scheduled for 2pm but when we got to Kirkland's Marina Park the water was so rough that we took a rain check for another day (and earlier in the day, when it'll be less choppy). We ended up spending the next five hours sunbathing, chomping shaved ice, people watching, window shopping, and eating Mexican food. What a great day!

We had high hopes...oh well...

Watermelon shaved ice! Ahhh.

Giggling about our paddle board misadventures. We're such a couple of wusses.

Plan B: Tacos!

We ate at Milagros Mexican Restaurant in Kirkland. Love these light fixtures
almost as much as the handmade tortillas.

The taco trio. L to R: mahi mahi, Baja shrimp, and beef barbacoa. Dawn also
tried the butternut squash taco....had a bite of that and it was AMAZING!

The margaritas weren't bad either.

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