Thursday, September 20, 2012

Chinese Massage and Moroccan Food

While the kids were in school today, Mom and I went for a traditional
Chinese foot massage at Joy Spa in Kirkland. What a treat! It's a 60-minute
clothes-on massage, with a hot-water foot soak and 30-minute foot/leg rub.

Ready for a night out on the town, Mom poses in front
of the Space Needle. (This is as close as she'll get to
a rotating platform more than 600 feet off the ground!)

We met up with my two brothers who also live out here in Seattle, Ryan and Rich. We pretty much spent the evening trying to convince Mom that--since all three of her kids live here now--she and John need to move out here. Family, boating, mild climate...what's not to love?

Mom, Ryan, Rich, and I all met up at a spot in Seattle for Moroccan food.

Terrible pictures because the light was so low, but here's a shot of Rich and me.

The waitress brings around a ornamental bowl and a pot
of hot water to wash our hands prior to the meal. 

We sat on low benches and padded mats for the meal.
The tented ceiling, music, and traditional dress
of the waitstaff really made this place unique.
(Wish I could remember the name of it!)
The food was great. I can't even remember what all we ordered, to be honest. But there was cous cous, and apricots, and chicken, and dates, and lemons, and olives. We had some sort of chicken pastry pie topped with powdered sugar. And hot, sweet tea (poured from three feet in the air) after the meal.

As usual, whenever I eat out with my two brothers, we ordered way too much food, but Ryan took the leftovers home for tomorrow's lunch. :)

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