Friday, February 10, 2012

Instant Boiling Water...Too Good to Be True

Why have I never even heard of such a thing? An instant boiling water tap? This is the most unexpected "find" of our new house. You put your teabag in your mug. You hold your mug under the tap. You press the lever. Instant boiling hot water--any time, day or night. Oh my gosh, we are spoiled.

Today's weather is more typical of the Pacific Northwest, I believe. We've actually had atypical weather since we got here. First, the snow, which is unusual. And then a stretch of about a week of sunny, clear, mild days. 

Chilly, drizzly, overcast. Perfect weather for a hot cuppa.


  1. That's crazy! Never heard of that. I've enjoyed catching up on the blog this afternoon!

  2. I always wanted to install one of those as a couple friends used to have them. Talk about convenience for a quick cuppa, French press or a head start on those hard boiled eggs!


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