Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Moving Van Arrives!

Wooo hooo...Our stuff from England arrived today! Let the chaos of unpacking begin. (I'm tired already.)

Can they maneuver the skinny circular driveway? Sigh of relief: Yes.

U.S.Customs and Border Protection opened up most of our boxes to inspect.

I'm unpacking the housewarming gift my friend, Kristi,
made for me and brought all the way from NC to England
in her suitcase when she came out with the boys and I.

Complete and utter chaos.

We're making headway. The company will come back next
week and pick up all the packing material and boxes (if
they're broken down). It's been Merrit's job to cut the tape
and flatten the boxes. Ollie likes to "help" with a butter knife.

We all got sidetracked at one point or another: Mike with
his college artwork; me with my box of high school yearbooks,
pom poms, and letters; Merrit with his well-thumbed copies
of Calvin and Hobbes; Ollie with his cowboy guns and hat.

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