Saturday, February 4, 2012

We Are Loving the Back Garden

We have had a gorgeous couple of days! Who says it's rainy and bleak in Seattle?!

After school on Friday and all day today we have made the most of the sun, clear blue skies, lake, and awesome back garden we have here at the new house.

Our back yard leads down to a small lake...for those of
you from Black Mountain, I bet it's about four or five
times the size of Lake Tomahawk.

This small floating dock is ours as well. We're thinking
maybe canoe at some point? How fun to paddle out
to the middle of the lake and go fishing. (We've seen
big fish--we hear they're bass--jump from the deeper
parts of the lake.)

Water's edge. The day is still chilly, so the boys are
in hats and coats.

Shaded bench/swing where Mike and I can sit and watch the boys play.

At the water's edge, looking back up toward the house. This lot is really
very secluded, even though there are neighbors on both sides.

Looking west from our shoreline.

Merrit and Mike look for minnows.

There's a big fallen tree by the dock. Not sure how we feel about this...
wonder if the landlords would be willing to have it removed, on the other
hand it's sort of pretty and interesting to look at.

Can you believe it? We can feed the ducks from the back
yard? We went through about half a loaf of bread. (Note
to self: Save stale bits and heels for ducks in the future.)

As the day warmed up, the boys ditched their coats
and played on a bouncy ball, kicked a kickball around,
and chased each other in the yard. Mike and I read through
the hot tub manual and tried to gather our wits for that
project (we're tackling it tomorrow).

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