Friday, February 3, 2012

Sixteen Years

Happy anniversary to us.

I seriously cannot believe we have been married for SIXTEEN YEARS. That is just impossible. But, still, it's been good. Very good.

Tonight, Mike brought dinner home, plus a bouquet of 16 daisies (daisies since that's what I carried in my wedding thoughtful). And champagne.

Funny story about the champagne. Mike asked the wine merchant if they had a bottle of 1996 champagne. When the salesman told Mike it was $225, Mike said, "She'd break the bottle over my head if I spent that much!" So he settled for a $15 bottle!

Still the handsome, thoughtful, giving person I fell in love with.

For later.

Sixteen daisies. So sweet.

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations. It's been a long and interesting road from fifth grade until now. You two were made for each other.


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